Monday, August 25, 2008

Shoot: Trina Legg on Seven Mile Beach (Grad)

This shoot I did on Saturday with Trina. It was super hot and Trina was wearing a big and hot evening gown (she's such a great sport!).

In the first set of photos Trina is dressed like a modern day princess with her tiara, and princess pink dress. Are you ready?

We started out on the dock at the back of the house.

And then we took a short walk across the street to the empty lot across the street. Trina is sitting on the edge of a field of what I'd love to say was wild flowers, but is just a bunch of really high grass.

We found this really cute white picker fence in another abandoned lot up the street. Almost looks like some enchanted forest.

There is a construction site at the end of our block just in front of the park.

Isn't this every little girls fantasy? Playing in the park dressed like a princess in a beautiful dress? Look out below!

How can anyone resist sitting on a green dinosaur?

Swing anyone?

Hiding in a bamboo bush on the other end of the block.

We are now putting on the Ritz, and doing it with a little leg in new outfit.

It was getting really hot - close to noon; but at least we were still having fun.

We went inside to the Silver Rain Spa to cool off a little - unfortunately we didn't stay for any treatments.

In a past life Trina was a gymnast - although I would have though she did some tooth paste commercials - look at those pearly whites... no Photoshop adjustments needed there!

The afternoon was very hot, but it was also a lot of fun. Stay tuned to a few "fun" and candid photos from the afternoon.

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