Sunday, August 17, 2008

Shoot: Franny at the Ritz Carlton (Grad)

Last week Franny and I went to the Ritz Carlton Grand Cayman to take some portraits. Franny is on her way to Canada on Monday to start a new chapter in her life, she is starting college! To top it off, the day after this shoot, she went and chopped most of her hair off... FRANNY!

There was a really nice garden right on the canal with great colours that made a really nice back drop.

We were just fooling around by the bushes there were some golfers across the canal - I really liked the colour of these flowers, they just punch.

Franny had practiced all of her poses before we met, and felt right at home in the tunnel under the bypass. Can anyone say Victoria's Secret?

I wanted to get a few shots of Franny in the beautiful landscaping - and here she is cramming herself right into the bushes! Do anything for a great shot.

Here we are in the entrance to the Silver Rain Spa, it was fairly dark but the waterfalls and glassy background makes for an interesting photo.

Back outside, Franny was having some fun on the balcony going through the different poses that she's going to use when she becomes a model. I'm happy to be able to say I was her first photographer, and love this candid shot of her between poses.

Again - willing to climb through the rocks to get a good photograph. I still can't believe she cut her hair!

There will be more photos to come over the next few days.

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