Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Shoot: Nicola and Milo in Snug Harbour (Pets)

Sunday afternoon Nicola just threw on a "simple red dress" and we took a drive around the neighborhood with Milo to take some photos.

At first Nicola was a little camera shy, though it didn't last very long.

Milo wasn't quite sure what was going on, but he knew I had treats in my pocket, so he was happy to play along.

Milo want a treat? That's all it took for him to run away from Nicola and end up in my lap.

Milo always comes back, full of kisses.

Hiding out in the bushes from the other dogs in the neighborhood.

They are the superstars of Palm Heights Drive.

A little behind the shoulder hello.

Milo stayed in the sand, while Nicola went down the pole.


I wanted her to jump off the dock... but she wasn't having it.

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