Monday, August 11, 2008

Shoot: Rosemary in West Bay (Just for fun!)

On what seemed to be the hottest day yet this summer, Rosemary and I made a date to take some photos in West Bay. It was 9:30am and it must have been in the mid 90's already.

We had a great time taking photos, after a few shots I realized that Rosemary was a pro - and had done this before... many times.

Rosemary was really easy to work with, she took direction really well and added a little extra something to each frame.

This really interesting tree was just up the beach from where we were shooting - it really adds some great lines to the next few photos.

Such a pro!

Leaning back, head tilted, shoulders out, knee bend, foot pointed - I'm wondering how Victoria's Secret hasn't booked her yet?!?

There were a few bushy trees in the area, although they weren't pleasant to lean on - you couldn't tell on Rosemary's face.

Again, it's like she's done all this before.

I love this shot, it's typical Cayman - I know, but that's the point.

This photo came out really well, it was funny because at this point we had a small audience of men wondering what we were doing. Rosemary's daughter was also there taking photos, of me taking photos of Rosemary - I'm sure we were fun to watch.

Alright so we're nearing the end of the shoot. I had asked Rosemary earlier how she would feel about jumping off the dock - honestly I didn't think she'd ever agree to it, but why not ask. So we are back at the dock, and we're taking some shots of Rosemary jumping in the air which make really cute photos.

Then I ask Rosemary to jump off the dock...

And she does!!!

Rosemary was a great sport. I had a lot of fun shooting with her, and the photos look fantastic. I still can't believe she jumped off the dock!!!

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