Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weiss Wedding Shoot

I was happy to meet Jessica and Joe Weiss yesterday at Granville Island to take some wedding photos for them. It was a spectacular day, very cold but nice and sunny. Jessica was very brave in her gorgeous strapless dress in the 1C temperature!

This is on the deck of Bridges restaurant. We were walking around on the slippery deck trying not to fall over, it was a super frosty morning!

Jessica finally admitted that she got cold and we stepped inside one of the art shows.

Among all of the rainy days it was so great that this day was so beautiful and the sun was starting to peak out a little throughout the shoot.

This is painted onto the side of one of the buildings... A new year... new leaf... new beginnings.

We were walking towards the car and I spotted this great little ally; it's actually a walk way to one of the parking lots - who would have figured?

I tried a blurring effect on this photo - I tend not too go too crazy on the photo editing so the photos don't look fake. But I think this looks pretty good - glowing almost angelic.

Granville Island has a lot of cool nooks and fun spaces. We were getting ready to take some photos in this beat up corner behind the school when a woman walks by and tells us that the bride is much too pretty to be standing in a dirty corner. We thought it looks cool anyways!

Overall we were all very happy with the day. The shoot took just over an hour and a half - which is pretty good especially in that cold! Hot chocolate and coffee came next.

For more information about photography for your wedding, please visit or call me at 604.613.9474.

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