Monday, July 28, 2008

Eddie & Milo - Play Date (Pets)

Our neighbors dog (Milo) came over to play with Eddie (our dog) today. They were so cute I couldn't help but to get out the new lens and snap some shots. Here's a little play by play of how the play date went. It was interesting to say the least!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

An afternoon at Pedro St. James

George & I stopped by Pedro St. James this afternoon for their garden party.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

When the Photographer becomes the Photographee

Here's what happens when George grabs the camera away from me, and I become the subject.

Photo Shoot: George & Eddie (Pets)

I got a new lens today - Canon 50mm f/1.4 - so we decided to go for a ride in the neighborhood and take some pictures, and here's what we got. P.S. I love this lens!!!

This was taken in front of the house - notice our balcony on top.

A little closer up.

I noticed this pretty garden in front of someone's house, so we quickly stopped to take a picture.

A few photos on Nelson Quay, where all the trees are still nice and green.

I can't believe I actually got George to agree to pose for so many photos!
This is one of my favorites of the day.

Eddie was such a good boy fetching his stick out of the water, he got a treat.

Such posers!

When we got home, Eddie did his usual guard-dog duty, and scared all of the iguanas off the dock.

After jumping off the dock, this iguana climbed up the mangroves in our neighbors yard.